If your phone is seized, the police cannot delete the video because the video was never on the phone to begin with. Use a livestreaming app to record your videos. If an officer says it's illegal to record him, that officer is lying to try and trick you into shutting off the camera so you won't have proof of them violating your rights. Police officers do not have a "reasonable expectation of privacy" while preforming their public duties. (It's also probably wise to speak as little as possible, but DO make note of details - location, names, etc) It is 100% legal to openly record police in all 50 states as long as you do not physically interfere with the officer. Take Jury Duty! Understand Jury Nullification. It will lead to other current stories being buried. We don't need 50 stories about the same event. Memes / Jokes / comics or unrelated content etc. Simple enough, right? This is not /r/drama.Law enforcement abuse stories regarding: abuse of power, corruption, and other misfortunes in developing police states. Posting personal information will get you permanently banned.